
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations

Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations
- Author: Sarfaraz K. Niazi
- Published: Published
- Publication Date: 2009
- ISBN: 9780203489581
- Pages: 328 +232 +320 +356 +384 +384
The pharmaceutical dosage form today remains a hidden secret, a treasure for researchers of preparation. With the dizzying pace of the current products, the need to gather and rearrange these equations on the increase. Basic terms, this is a handbook on drug formulas, similar to a manual cooking. Six content is presented in the book have been screened and notes, that the dosage form, the process steps for over 2000 drugs, including some biotechnology drugs. The authors edit, edit, and add 6 content from a huge inventory of FDA resources, from the patent and from BASF. All considered options and additions in the 30 years of experience in the work of the author Pharmaceutical preparations. Convention, Including a number of Biotechnology drugs. The authors edit, edit, and add 6 content from a huge inventory of FDA resources, from the patent and from BASF. All Considered options and additions in the 30 years of experience in the work of the author Pharmaceutical Preparations.