
An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development: Plant Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century:

An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development: Plant Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century, 2 Edition
Charles B. Beck | Cambrige University Press | 2010 | ISBN: 0521518059 | 464 pages | PDF | 16,5 MB

A Plant anatomy book distinct from other publications on the market today. As the title of the book, this is a plant book Anatomy of the 21st century. The books generally revolve around the issue describes the structure, development process, not only own this book provides a comprehensive look at the plants, but also describes in detail some aspects of the development mechanism especially genetic and endocrine role of frames and cells. The development of plant structure and relationship between structure and function are also mentioned. Therefore, not only for students but also scholars, teachers, researchers, especially in areas related to structure development of plants.Those who want to further research into the development of plants will find the extension at the end of each chapter is indispensable. Arouse the desire to become experts research and Plant anatomy teaching in the students future students aim is to write this book by the author.
Sometimes the line about the author: Charles B. Beck , Professor emeritus of botany major at the University of Michigan, received his doctorate at Cornell University, where he conducted research on the structure of fossil and living plants under the guidance of Professor Harlan Banks and Professor Arthur Eames. After postdoctoral studies with Professor John Walton at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, he lectured at the University of Michigan. Here, he had a tenure as head of Botany and Director of the Museum of Ancient Botany. The students have continued his graduate studies on the structure of plants and development of ancient plants. He spent 35 years in life to teach plant anatomy, plant morphology and Ancient Plants .